article by aishwarya srivastava

Why Do Dogs Dig in Bed?

The incessant digging before lying down can just be plain obnoxious, even though most dog owners love to see their dogs jump up into their beds at the end of a long day to snuggle. No matter how much you love dogs, it disrupts not only your routine but also your sheets, comforter, and, let's face it, your patience.

What is Causing My Dog to Dig in My Bed?

Understanding how natural the behaviour of digging is for dogs, it is essential to discuss the potential causes of your dog's incessant bed digging. Since their first days of roaming the earth, dogs have been digging, and it used to be a necessary part of their survival. Our dog's wild ancestors relied on digging into the ground to make a secure den for their young, hunt down prey that burrowed into the ground, and cool off on hot summer days. Digging is now ingrained in dogs because they have been doing it for a long time.

The majority of domesticated dogs still enjoy digging when given the opportunity, even though they no longer need to dig for shelter or to hunt for food. Every day, many canine friends will dig, whether it's in the soil in your backyard or under your bed's blankets!

-Canines dig since they're exhausted, restless, in torment, denoting their domain or covering treasure.

The Most Common Reasons for Dog Digging 

1. Digging Behaviour

You might be wondering why do dogs dig on the bed. Well, your dog's wild roots foster this digging behaviour. Ancient wild dogs learned to make their beds by digging a little deeper into the ground when they were sleeping outside. They received numerous advantages from this behaviour.

For a certain something, it made them harder to recognize in a good way, which  guarded them against greater hunters. Additionally, it shielded them from the wind, allowing them to sleep more comfortably. Lastly, it provided a shelter during hot weather. Dogs gradually acquired the instinct to dig before going to sleep; even today, some continue to do it.

2. Lethargy 

Even though this behaviour originates from your dog's wild ancestors, boredom can still play a significant role. Canines dig since they're exhausted, and they might want to keep the dynamic and accomplish something helpful. Additionally, preparing a sleeping pit is both an activity and a useful one! This type of behaviour is more common in active dog breeds like border collies.

If your dog is acting generally hyper and frequently digging on your bed, try giving them more exercise. This might solve the issue and need to burn some extra energy.

Getting your canine some new toys can likewise assist with subduing weariness and working on mental feelings. Dogs are enamored with toys and will spend a lot of time playing with new ones, both to relieve boredom and wear them out.

3. Anxiety

If you are thinking why do dogs scratch the bed, then maybe it is because your dog is anxious, and trying to build a shelter to sleep so it can feel more secure. In addition to digging on the bed, if your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, you should think it might have anxiety:

  • Whimpering 
  • Yelling
  • Shuddering
  • Stowing away
  • Denying food
  • Forceful way of behaving
  • Peeing in the house
  • Loss of craving

On the off chance that your canine is giving indications of tension, you can get things done to help. Not only can spending more time with them help them feel less anxious, but there are also calming beds, Thundershirts, supplements, and other products that can help make your dog feel better. Consult your veterinarian about the appropriate supplements for your dog if you are unsure. Surprisingly common, your dog may be experiencing separation anxiety specifically.

4. Pain

Your dog might be in pain if he or she engages in pain-digging behaviour. It can be hard for them to get comfortable if they are hurt in any way, especially if they have arthritis. The digging might be an endeavour to make a more agreeable bed for themselves. If your canine displays this conduct frequently, particularly assuming they thrash around often in the wake of resting, it might be an ideal opportunity to plan a vet arrangement.

5. Burying Treasure

Dogs also dig for treasure. Your dog may be excavating on the bed in an experiment to keep other dogs from discovering their favourite toys or bones, even though this tactic is unsuccessful on a bed. Look around when you see your dog digging on your bed. Your dog may simply be attempting to conceal a nearby dog toy or bone.

You might try assisting your dog in burying their treasures in a more appropriate location if they appear to be trying to bury them in your bed. When your dog is digging on the bed, make a list of the things he or she has. The following time you let your canine outside, put those things outside with them. This will allow them an opportunity to cover them in the yard. They shouldn't need to dig anymore on your bed once they do that.

6. Marking Their Territory 

If you are thinking why does my dog scratch his bed, dogs have scent glands in their paws, and when they dig, they leave behind their distinctive scent. Your dog might just be trying to mark the bed as their territory. If you have multiple dogs, this is very likely to happen.

If you give your dog its bed, it might solve the problem or at least keep the annoying digging from ruining your bed. If you buy a high-quality dog bed that won't tear easily, it might just become your pet's new favourite spot.

7. Interest 

Yes, that's right—your canine companion might just be digging to see what's underneath your plush comforter! So stop thinking why does dog dig at bed because your dog may just occasionally be just curious and wonder if the lump under the covers is food or a toy. Interest isn't only for felines, you know!

8. They Are Attempting To Get Comfortable

Have you at any point seen a canine go through minutes diving into the soil, just to then set into the little opening they've made? This is the way wild canines make an open resting space for themselves outside, and our trained canines are the same. Your dog still has an ingrained need to dig around and make your bed as cosy as possible, even though it's likely already comfortable. If your dog always messes around in your bedding before going to sleep, this is probably just a way for them to get comfortable.


What to do if the dog doesn't stop digging in the bed? 

Consider taking your dog to a dog behaviour specialist if, despite your best efforts, your dog continues to dig on your bed. The expert ought to have the option to concentrate on the real issues at hand and recommend a few substitute techniques for managing the issue that might be more qualified for your particular little guy.

Most of us don't want to discourage our furry friends from cuddling us at the end of a long day. If your pet just won't stop digging on your bed and ruining your routine—not to mention your sheets!—you should try the strategies above. On the other hand, now that you are aware of the reason for your dog's actions, you might not be as bothered by them.

Ways to Safeguard Your Dog’s Bed Against Scratching

A dog's instinct is to scratch, but it can cause problems for dog owners. Follow these steps to keep your dog's bed from getting destroyed.

  • Trim Your Dog's Nails 

    Overgrown nails can cause scratching and discomfort if they get caught on something. Nail trimming regularly can help keep your dog's nails at the right length.

    • Give Them Other Ways to Play 

      If your dog has turned to dig your bed into a game, he isn't getting enough stimulation. In this way, we suggest you take your canine out for long strolls and give them toys to play with.

      • Calm Your Nervous Dog 

        Anxiety is a common problem in dogs that can manifest itself in a variety of ways. To assist with quieting your restless canine, we will propose specific ways. Take them out for standard activity, furnish them with interruptions, and play with them. If no part of this aids, look for proficient assistance.


        How to prevent your dog from digging into the bed?

        Your dog's instinct to dig is not a sign of bad behaviour; however, it may cause damage to bedding or floors. Although it is possible to redirect this instinctual behaviour, it cannot necessarily be avoided.

        • Don't Let Your Dog Get into Your Bed

          Don't let your dog get into your bed (or only let him in while you're watching him) to keep him from ruining it. All things being equal, make an assigned spot for your canine to rest and rest where he can dig and do however he sees fit. You can utilize a canine bed, old covers or mats - or any mix of these things - to make an open resting place for your canine. You can likewise involve a case or an open box as an assigned resting spot. Give your dog praise and treats when he chooses to rest or sleep in this designated area to encourage him to do so.

          • Keep the Door Shut 

            When you are not present to supervise your dog, you should always keep the door to your bedroom shut to aid in keeping him off your bed. Shout no! When your dog bounces on the bed while you're seeing over him. Whenever it is necessary to remove your dog from the bed, as you keep on doing this, it will show your canine that this conduct isn't permitted. Shout no! If you let your dog snooze on your bed without maintenance, at the point when he begins digging to assist with stopping this undesirable way of behaving. You may decide to prohibit your dog from sleeping on your bed if you are unable to stop the behaviour.

            • Maintain the Temperature 

              Your canine might dig his bedding when he is excessively warm, so forever know about the indoor temperature. To assist with expanding your canine's solace, cool your home to a temperature that is agreeable for your canine by utilizing cooling or fans.

              Make Your Dog's World Bigger 

              • Spend more time with people.
              • Walk your dog at least two times every day. The absence of activity is a main source of conduct issues.
              • Play with them utilizing dynamic toys (balls, flying circles) as frequently as could be expected.
              • Show your dog a couple of orders or deceives. Spend five to ten minutes a day working on these.
              • Join a dog training class and put what you learn into practice every day.

              To keep your dog occupied when you're not there, keep interesting toys in the yard. Particularly effective are busy-box dog toys or Kong-type toys filled with treats. To keep things interesting, rotate the toys.

              Utilize safe, humane methods to exclude, exclude, or make your yard or garden unattractive to burrowing animals by looking for signs of them.

              • Provide Security to your Dog 

              Give your dog the security or comfort they need. Bring them inside on a more regular basis and ensure their outside cover is agreeable, safeguarded against outrageous temperatures and approaches water in an un-tippable bowl. Make a separate area for your dog to dig in if he or she is still a fervent one.

              Frequently Asked Questions

              Why do dogs dig in bed before lying down?

               Dogs scratch on the bed before lying for a variety of reasons, including boredom or frustration, anxiety, attention-seeking behaviour, wiping their feet, giving themselves a paw-pedicure, problems related to separation, behaviour that is specific to their breed, or claiming something as theirs through scent.

              Is it a sign of anxiety or stress when dogs dig in bed?

              Yes, it can be a sign of anxiety or stress when dogs dig in bed.Numerous dogs use digging as a means of easing boredom or anxiety. Digging is a great way to get out of stress because it's physically and mentally stimulating. You may notice that your dog digs a lot if they have separation anxiety.

              Can dogs dig in bed to mark their territory?

              Marking a territory Dogs have smell glands on the bottom of their feet, much like cats and many other four-legged animals, and these glands release a unique pheromone. Your dog may scrape at anything to let others understand they have asserted a certain bed.

              How can I discourage my dog from digging in bed?

              Some of the ways to discourage your dog from digging in bed are: 

              • Cover the area with a bed smell.

              That's right, by attacking your canine's sharp feeling of smell, you can leave his digging speechless. All you want is a dreadful fragrance.

              Red cayenne pepper was the smell we tested that deterred digging the most.

              A small amount of this powder should be sprinkled everywhere your dog is digging. Your dog will completely avoid the area after taking a sniff.

              • Block off your dog's access to the world. 

              Fence it off to prevent your dog from accessing its favourite digging spot.


              Dogs might scratch bed sheets because of multiple factors, including making an agreeable spot, denoting their domain, or looking for consideration. Normal preparing and giving your canine a happy dozing region can assist with tending to this way of behaving. It's important to rule out any underlying health conditions or anxiety that might be making your dog scratch too much.


              A-z animals


              Acme canine


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